October 29, 2008

Roasting Matt Lauer and Pictures of Tom Cruise, The Donald and more!

Last Friday, I attended a really interesting event.  Matt Lauer, of the Today Show, was being roasted at the Friars Club.  The Friars Club is a private establishment in New York City, and is especially famous for its risqué celebrity roasts.  When you are chosen by the Friars to be the subject of a roast, it’s really important to grow very thick skin because the jokes can be quite brutal! 

I was honored that they asked me to be a roaster along with Bob Saget, Brian Williams, Gilbert Gottfried, Jeff Zucker, Jeffrey Ross, Katie Couric, Meredith Vieira, Pat Cooper, and Richard Belzer.  Roasts at the friars are always very, very raunchy and I cannot tell you how naughtily people behaved. A big surprise for everyone was when Tom Cruise showed up.  He went on and on poking fun at Matt.  My prepared speech was rather tame compared to others.  I reminisced about my experiences with Matt on the Today show and I joked about things like teaching Lauer some very useful tips in the bedroom, like how to vacuum a mattress.  Congratulations Matt!  We all laughed so hard!!!

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