May 4, 2024

My Colorful and Fragrant Lilacs

Among the most fragrant blooms of spring are the colorful lilacs, Syringa vulgaris. My allée of lilac hedges is just exploding with gorgeous, sweet-smelling clusters.

I love lilacs and have enjoyed growing them for many years. In fact, the common lilac has been part of the American landscape for centuries. Lilacs planted in 1650 on Michigan’s Mackinac Island are some of the oldest known in the country. If you don't already have lilacs in your garden, I encourage you to grow one, or two, or even three shrubs - they will give you years of beautiful blooms.

Enjoy these photos.



May 3, 2024

Planting Ginkgo biloba Goldspire™ Obelisk Trees

Adding just one type of tree, bush, or plant can totally transform a space.

I enjoy planting interesting and beautiful specimens that add texture and beauty at different times throughout the year. I also like arranging groups of certain plantings to create borders, allées and appealing displays. Last week, I purchased six Ginkgo biloba Goldspire™ Obelisk trees from Select Horticulture Inc. in nearby Pound Ridge, New York. I knew these narrow upright tower trees would look excellent on both sides of my pool. They were delivered, positioned, and planted right away - and they look just perfect.

Here are some photos, enjoy.


May 2, 2024

Planting Peonies

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, I have so many peonies! I cannot wait for them all to bloom.

I adore peonies and have been growing them for quite some time. I have a long tree peony border planted under the semi-shade of giant sugar maples. I have a giant bed completely dedicated to pink and white herbaceous peonies across the carriage road from my home. I have tree peonies and Itoh peonies in the formal sunken garden behind my Summer House. Late last year, we planted 75 bare root peony divisions in what will be my new cutting garden adjacent to my chickens. And this week, I decided to add a selection of peonies to the flower garden just outside my main greenhouse - a couple of them have already started to show off their gorgeous blossoms.

Here are some photos, enjoy.