March 5, 2022

Early Spring Cleaning in My Equipment Barn

There's always lots to do on a working farm - even when the weather doesn't cooperate.

With spring officially starting in just a couple of weeks, my gardeners and outdoor grounds crew will soon be busy with a new list of seasonal chores. Over these last few weeks of winter, the weather has been quite erratic - snow and ice with below freezing temperatures as well as milder days with lots of rain and mud. Whenever it's stormy outside, I encourage everyone to take stock of the equipment, clean everything, and then organize all the tools and supplies. My large Equipment Barn is about 40 by 120 feet, with a substantial amount of height. It is where we store mowers, blowers, tractors, tools, and other pieces of important machinery. Not long ago, we cleared the space, swept the floor and inspected every item before returning it neatly to its spot, so everything is organized and ready for use. Keeping everything well maintained and properly stored will always save time in the long run.

Enjoy these photos.