April 2, 2015

Arranging Pussy Willows

Like many of you, every year, I eagerly await those first signs of spring. And, among my favorite harbingers of the season are the pussy willows - those branches of silvery gray catkins that shimmer in the moist to wet soil near meadows, swamps and streams.

These deciduous shrubs, scientifically known as Salix discolor, naturally grow up to 20-feet tall, or even more if left unpruned. They are very easy to multiply and make wonderful cut arrangements.

Recently, my gardeners, Ryan and Wilmer, cut down bunches of pussy willows from a grove I planted along the wetlands of my farm. I used them to make two large displays for my brown room, where Easter lunch will be served. I think you’ll agree, they look perfect surrounded by all the cheerful Easter decorations.

Enjoy these photos…

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