May 11, 2024

My Garden of Hostas

It's always so exciting to see how the gardens develop and thrive around my farm.

In 2020, we planted hundreds of hosta plants down behind my chicken coop yard across the carriage road from my allée of lilac. I first got the plants as bare-root cuttings and kept them in a cold frame for several months until they were big enough to transplant. In all, we had more than 700 hostas in a variety of cultivars including 'Wide Brim,' 'Francee,' 'Regal Splendor,' 'Elegans,' and 'Blue Angel.' Now four years later, they're doing excellently, filling the space with verdant foliage under the dappled shade of the stately dawn redwoods.

Here are some photos.

May 10, 2024

Planting Brassicas

The beds in my vegetable garden are filling up quickly.

My gardeners and outdoor ground crew have been very busy in the vegetable garden. After cleaning, cultivating, and adding nutrient rich compost to all the raised beds, they started planting a number of crops. Many plants are started from seed indoors, such as the brassicas, also known as cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and cabbage. Other seeds are planted directly into the soil. Soon the entire garden will be filled with rows of wonderful produce.

Enjoy these photos.

May 9, 2024

Potting Bare Root Trees

Do you know… one large, mature tree can can produce more than 270-liters of oxygen a day? That's nearly half of what the average human needs in a day. The earth needs trees.

Every year I plant hundreds, sometimes thousands of trees here at the farm - it's one way I can give back to the Earth and help create a cleaner, healthier and more sustainable planet for my grandchildren and for everyone. Not long ago, we received a shipment of bare root cuttings from JLPN, a family owned tree company in Salem, Oregon. Bare root trees are so named because the plants are dug from the ground while dormant, and stored without any soil surrounding their roots. Once the young specimens arrived, my gardeners hurried to pot them in nutrient-filled composted soil to keep them healthy until they can be transplanted in the ground.

Enjoy these photos.