May 19, 2008

Come see the lilacs blooming at my farm - are yours blooming? Please leave a comment and let me know

Who doesn’t love the fragrance of lilacs?  Incredibly sturdy and undemanding, lilacs are so much a part of our landscape that they’re considered American classics.  However, it was the early Dutch and French settlers who brought them here.  Already well established in Europe, lilacs sailed into the New World by ship and later, they traversed the land by covered wagon.  In fact, one of the earliest plantings still flourishing today was planted in Mackinac Island, Michigan around 1650.  Despite their hardy nature, most lilacs can’t tolerate the Deep South or desert regions since they require a cold period in order to flower.

There are many varieties of lilacs and by planting an assortment, bloom time will be staggered and can last for up to two months.  Just be sure to plant lilacs in full sun, which is necessary for good blooming.  The soil should be rich, and well-drained, and fairly neutral in pH.  Improper pruning also affects blooming.  If you cut bouquets of lilacs when they’re in bloom, you’ve pruned the tree correctly.  Then remove any remaining flowers from the tree just as they fade.  And never prune after July 4th because at that point, the tree has already begun to set next year’s flower buds.

This is my very fragrant lilac garden

I planted this allee of lilac just a couple of years ago.  There
are many different varieties.  My tennis court is in the rear.

lilac color




pale pink

a beautiful double lilac

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