April 25, 2024

My Terrace Gardens

We're making lots of progress with our long list of spring chores here at my farm.

This time of year can be very hectic - my gardeners and outdoor grounds crew are busy keeping up with all the rapid growth. Many days are spent mowing the pastures, trimming and pruning the trees and shrubs, mulching the beds, prepping the vegetable and flower gardens - and of course, weeding. This week, the crew tackled the formal terrace parterres outside my Winter House, clipping and grooming the bright golden barberry hedges.

Here are some photos, enjoy.



April 24, 2024

Tulips Blooming in the Garden

So much is growing around my Bedford, New York farm. This week, many of my tulips are in full bloom.

Tulips, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes, are perennial plants that open up each spring. They're grown for their graceful leaves and bright, cheery blooms. Some are traditional and cup-shaped, some have fringed petals, others have pointed ones, and some are full of fanciful ruffles. Some varieties even carry a soft, subtle scent.

Here are some photos, enjoy.

April 23, 2024

Planting Magnolia Trees

Every year I always plant a collection of interesting and beautiful trees. It is such a joy to watch the gardens, groves, and allées evolve and expand around my Bedford, New York farm.

Not long ago, as part of a delivery of plants from the wholesale nursery, Monrovia, I received several magnolias - spreading evergreen or deciduous trees or shrubs characterized by large, fragrant blooms, which may be bowl-shaped or star-shaped, in shades of white, pink, purple, green, or yellow. In many of the deciduous species, the eye-catching flowers often appear in early spring before the foliage. I already have several mature magnolias growing around my home. These younger specimens, Magnolia 'Black Tulip' and Magnolia 'Yellow Bird' will make wonderful additions.

Enjoy these photos.