Our Employee Wellness Expo
For the third year in a row, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia has offered an MSLO Employee Wellness Expo. This event has become very popular. Those who attend this Expo are able to get free flu shots and can be screened for cholesterol and blood pressure. We invite noted health experts to share their expertise. Many of these guests have appeared on my television show and on my Sirius radio 112 – XM 157. Interestingly, many employees were very curious about the Martha Stewart Center for Living at Mount Sinai, and asked how they might get their aging parents involved. This just highlights my belief that we are all approaching a real concern as we grow older. The Wellness Expo is great because it brings awareness to my employees about many new ways of living a healthier life.
- I donated lots of fresh-picked apples from my farm. People loved them!
- The Wellness Expo was very organized and neatly laid out.
- There were also Iyengar Yoga demonstrations. http://www.iyengarnyc.org/home.html
- The Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York was there to answer questions. Created by B. K. S. Iyengar, this form of yoga known for its use of props, such as belts and blocks, as aids in performing asanas, or postures.
- As usual, the clerestory provided a wonderful and bright space for the Wellness Expo. A steady stream of employees came through between 10AM and 2PM.
- Sara, Lynn, and Leonila are the next ones in line for their screenings and flu shots.
- Chair massages were provided by Spa Chicks On-The-Go ®, a full service spa event marketing company that delivers customized spa and beauty experiences for private, corporate and media clients. http://www.spachicksonthego.com/
- NYSC offered reduced rate memberships. Patsy Pollack, EVP Merchandising was thrilled to have saved some money.
- Oxford, our health care provider, was offering flu shots and biometric screening. This is the sign-up table.
- Eliad, my tech guru, wanted to get his cholesterol checked.
- The blood sample was placed in this machine for a quick result.
- While waiting for the result, he cringed during the flu shot.
- Part of his screening included a blood pressure check. The diastolic is not so good! Better get that in check!
- EVP, General Counsel Peter Hurwitz trys out basic foot exercises utilizing the Yamuna method.
- Martha Stewart Center for Living at Mount Sinai had a display of its accomplishments.
- There were photographs and brochures from our galas.
- That’s a photo of me and my mom at the groundbreaking ceremony of the center, which I dedicated to her.
- Jen and Dr. Andrew Kirschner from backtogether.org http://www.backtogether.org/ offer effective, simple and practical strategies to help reduce the effects of back and neck pain.
- New York Sports Club came to the Expo. http://www.mysportsclubs.com/default.htm
- Equinox Fitness Club was also offering a special Martha Stewart Living membership plan. http://www.equinox.com/
- Dr. Jana Klauer, (right) a New York City based physician, is a leading authority in nutrition, metabolic adaptation to exercise, and biology of body fat regulation. http://www.janaklauermd.com/default.aspx
- Dr. Klauer is the author of weight loss books and her Everyday Nutrition protein shakes are high in omega 3 and protein.
- Nuad Boran, known in the West as Thai Massage, is not a massage but rather an ancient energy-based healing system that combines acupressure, reflexology, and assisted yoga postures.
- NIcole Smith, a practitioner of Nuad Boran Thai Massage, demonstrating her skills – http://www.redheadtrainer.com/
- Stephanie works on her blackberry while waiting for her screening.
- Oxford sponsored the flu shots and screenings. – representatives Yolanda and Anastasia
- Oxford gave out bottles of hand sanitizer.
- Patricia and Amy demonstrate an agility training game. They were representing The Sports Center at Chelsea Piers. http://www.chelseapiers.com/sc/
- Dr. Agnieszka Golian and Stelian Serban, MD from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- Paul Hertel – interfaith healer specializing in reiki, visualization, prayer, meditation, face reading www.highermass.com
- Mary drawing blood for Linda’s screening
- The latest edition of our Whole Living magazine was given out.
- Alex Postman, Editor-in-Chief, Whole Living enjoying the Expo
- Levi Garcia and Tina Mohyla