November 8, 2013

A Spectacular Japanese Maple Grove

Japanese maples, of the Acer genus, are remarkable trees that offer so much diversity of color, texture, size, and form, including dwarf, weeping, and upright.  And with so many cultivated varieties available, you can find suitable cultivars, which will grow beautifully in sun, shade, containers, and even as bonsai.  Japanese maples are relatively small trees and when many are planted together, it makes for an extraordinary grove.

My good friends, Michael and Judy Steinhardt, have an amazing piece of property near my home in Bedford, and they are so fortunate to have such a grove.  Several years ago, the Steinhardts hired Jerome and Carole Rocherolle, of Shanti Bithi Nursery in Stamford, Connecticut to oversee the design and landscaping of their property.  One of their first projects was to transform a collection of 50 Japanese maples, growing on a slope, into a meditative and serene setting.  Today, this thriving grove has more than 400 cultivars from all around the world and strolling through it is indeed, a spiritual and serene experience.  It is particularly exciting to visit in the autumn when the gorgeous foliage is aglow with brilliance.

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