September 2, 2015

My Pinetum Collection

As many of you know I am very fond of trees, and I love planting them. Since I purchased my Bedford farm, I’ve planted thousands of trees, and I am so happy most of them have thrived.

Recently, I added a few more specimens to my pinetum, an arboretum of pine trees and other conifers I developed in an area behind my equipment shed and near my weeping willow grove. The pinetum collection has grown so well over the years, I wanted to update you on its progress. This area includes pines, spruces and firs, as well as other evergreens. If you’re not sure how to tell some of these popular trees apart, here are some key tips:

Pines have needles that are arranged and attached to the branches in clusters of two, three or five. True pinecones are woody in nature, with a rigid feel.

Spruce and fir trees have their needles attached individually to the branches. Spruce needles are sharply pointed, square and easy to roll between the fingers. They're attached to small, stalk-like woody projections, and when the needles fall, the branches feel rough.

Fir needles are softer, flatter and cannot be easily rolled between the fingers. Fir needles are usually attached only on the upper side of the branch. Its branches lack projections, so the bark is smooth. And, a fir tree’s cones stand straight up on many species, or protrude outward on others.

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