Summer Outing Games at My Farm
Summer entertaining isn’t complete without a few outdoor games and activities to make the day even more memorable.
After our delicious company lunch, I directed everyone to the southeast paddock for volleyball, badminton, and a small “toe” dip in the pool to cool off. I also set up croquet and the corn hole beanbag toss. But first, we all gathered on my soccer field lawn for a giant egg toss competition.
Enjoy these last photos of our company summer outing.
- The day was warm, but thankfully the heavy rains held off until the night after our party. I took this photo from my lower terrace parterre. There are so many lilies in bloom or just about to bloom here at my farm.
- After lunch, we all walked down to the soccer field for some outdoor games. Many guests commented on how few bugs there are at my farm. It is because I have so many birds here – about 125 different types of birds. I enjoy seeing them gather at the bird feeders on the back of my carport. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- The soccer field is just on the other side of my long and winding pergola. Previously, I called it the Party Lawn, but now that my grandson, Truman, is obsessed with playing soccer, I put up a regulation soccer net and whenever he visits, he plays for hours on this field. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- I instructed everyone to line up in pairs down the length of the field – facing each other and about two arm lengths apart. Here I am explaining how the egg toss is played.
- Of course, we used eggs from my prolific hens. Each person on one side of the line would get one egg. This game can be played with hard-boiled eggs, but raw eggs are more fun. The last pair to successfully toss their egg between them without dropping or breaking it wins. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Our day’s photographer, Peytn Leigh, took a series of drone images. Here is one looking down on our egg toss lineup. See more of her photographs on her Instagram page @PaytnLeigh.
- Each person on one side gently tosses the egg to their partner.
- Once the entire line of players tosses their egg, the other side now holding the eggs takes a giant step back to increase the distance between them and their teammates.
- Within minutes, the lines were several feet apart. Each player tosses the egg to their partner on the other side using whatever strategy they can – some threw their eggs high in the air, while others stretched out as far as possible before tossing.
- With only a few pairs left, we rotated the lines to allow the players more room – overcast skies definitely helped.
- On this side, our last two remaining players include Marquee Brands Home Division President Carolyn D’Angelo and Managing Director for Neuberger Berman, Zachary Sigel.
- On the other side, Pam Levine and Stella Cicarone.
- Carolyn’s teammate, Stella, throws her egg.
- Unfortunately this time, it came crashing down – on Carolyn’s arm. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Leaving Zachary and Pam our winners. The prize – dinner with me in New York City along with the victors from our scavenger hunt earlier in the day.
- Then, it was next door to the pool area. Many of my guests loved this view of the stone staddles at the far end of the pool. If you follow this blog regularly, you may have seen the installation of these staddles earlier this season. Staddle stones were originally used in the 17th and 18th centuries as support bases for granaries, hayricks, and game larders. They typically looked like giant stone mushrooms, but mine are square – a more rare and unique version. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Everyone loved dipping their feet in the pool – such a refreshing break after a long and hot, humid day.
- It was so nice to see all my guests having such a good time. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Here is another drone photo of everyone sitting around the pool and spa. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Several decided to try their hands at badminton. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- My dogs came out for just a few minutes to stretch their legs and play with our visitors – this day was much too warm for long play sessions outside. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Creme Brulee preferred volleyball to badminton. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Here are my beautiful Chow Chows, Empress Qin and Emperor Han – just before a game of chase. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- And don’t forget Bete Noire – she loves to run and run and run. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- And then get lots of good rubs. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- Before leaving my farm, everyone gathered for one last group photo. The drone captured this image from above. (Photo by Peytn Leigh)
- And here is a photo from ground level. What a fun day with all my colleagues. Tomorrow, it’s back to work.