Grooming My Begonias
Cold, damp, late autumn days are the best times for indoor chores such as grooming the many plants in my greenhouse - especially my large collection of begonias.
I have been collecting begonias for many years. With their bold, beautiful foliage and delicate flowers, it’s hard to resist such an amazing family of plants. The genus begonia contains about 1500 different plant species and hundreds of hybrids. They are native to tropical and subtropical climates, so many specimens are kept indoors as ornamental houseplants. Rhizomatous begonias are grown for their interesting and spectacular leaves. They come in many sizes, colors and textures, and can be small or large, smooth or veiny, decorated in bold accents of red, copper and silver or subtle shades of green. Last week, my head gardener, Ryan McCallister, carefully inspected each plant, trimming any dead or discolored leaves and stems, and removing any crisscrossing canes. Regular maintenance keeps the plants full and in excellent condition.
Here are some photos, enjoy.
- My growing collection of begonias is one of the first you see when entering my main greenhouse. I keep my begonias on a long, sliding table, so each plant is within easy reach.
- Some of these begonias were purchased from various nurseries over the years, but many were also grown from leaf cuttings right here in my greenhouse. On this day, Ryan tended the many potted plants. When entertaining, I often bring a selection of begonias inside – all my guests love to see the different varieties, but most of the time, the plants live here, where they can be looked after regularly and maintained in a temperature and humidity-controlled space.
- Using sharp snips, Ryan gives the plants a slight pruning to encourage new growth and aeration. Any viable leaves that are trimmed or fall off are always saved for future rooting purposes. Begonia leaves root easily – just push its stem into potting soil, and keep it moist. After a few weeks, new leaves emerge.
- Rhizomatous begonias range from small, delicate plants with one-inch wide leaves to large, robust specimens with 12-inch wide leaves or more. Here is one with chocolate and green colored leaves.
- All begonias have oval-shaped leaves that can be spade-like with a pointed tip in some varieties. The leaves grow from the main stem in an “alternate” structure. This means they never grow opposite one another, but instead, each individual leaf emerges slightly higher on the stem than the previous one.
- This is Begonia ‘soli-mutata’. It is a compact medium-sized species from Brazil. The heart-shaped leaf colors vary depending on its exposure to bright light, which is why its common name is Sun Tan Begonia. Several of my ‘soli-mutata’ plants were grown from leaf cuttings off one parent plant.
- This begonia has reddish leaves with dark brown markings along its veins.
- Begonias grow best in light, well-drained soil. And any good quality light potting mix will work well.
- Here is a bright orange begonia with bright yellow-white veining. Begonias should be fed a general purpose fertilizer every other week during spring and summer.
- Because these plants store water in the rhizomes, which are their thick, fuzzy stems, it is important not to overwater them. Only water these plants when the top one-inch of soil feels dry.
- The stems of the begonia carolineifolia are exceptionally thick, and show the scars of felled leaves. As a houseplant, the begonia carolineifolia is highly decorative and easy to grow.
- Begonias dislike wet feet. Between waterings, let the soil dry out slightly. And for the best results, place pots in a warm room with bright indirect light.
- Begonias are considered cool temperature plants and do best in temperatures ranging from 58 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Begonia ‘Royal Lustre’ has small silvery green leaves with tones of green. Upon close inspection, you can see the small hairs that line the leaf margins.
- I am always on the lookout for rare and unusual varieties. This one has curled leaves with shades of green on the top and a bold red on the undersides.
- Wherever Ryan is, Blackie is always nearby. Here he is on the table watching all the plant grooming.
- It’s good to repot or change the soil of a begonia every couple of years – potting mix elements break down over time and lose draining qualities and airspaces to hold oxygen.
- Here’s another gorgeous specimen – this one with bright green leaves splattered with maroon markings.
- Begonias are remarkably resistant to pests primarily because their leaves are rich in oxalic acid – a natural insect repellent.
- This begonia has fleshy greenish-silver leaves that become thick and waxy during winter.
- There is no end to the variety of leaf shape, color and texture in the begonia. Begonias make wonderful year-round houseplants. My collection of begonias continues to grow. I hope you are inspired to get one for your windowsill.