March 15, 2022

Making Delicious Food for My Dogs

So many of you comment on how much you enjoy my pet blogs - especially those that provide tips for making food for my four dogs, Bete Noire, Creme Brulee, Empress Qin, and Emperor Han.

Every few months, when I see that my supply is running low, I set aside time to make my dogs a batch of home-cooked food. Preparing my own dog food has many benefits - fewer preservatives and additives, more varied and better ingredients and, of course, more of what I know my dogs like to eat. I also know the food is from wholesome, organic, reputable sources - and that is very important to me. Over the weekend, we prepared a giant amount of food filled with excellent quality quinoa, turkey, fish, venison, and lots of nutritious, organic vegetables.

Enjoy these photos. And go to my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48 for more.