May 30, 2023

My Growing Hosta Garden

"Sleep, creep, leap" is an adage many gardeners use to describe the yearly phases a perennial goes through to reach its full mature size - and what a difference the time makes.

In 2020 here at my farm, we planted hundreds of hosta plants down behind my chicken coop yard across the carriage road from my allée of lilac. I first got the plants as bare-root cuttings and kept them in a cold frame for several months until they were big enough to transplant. In all, more than 700 hostas in a variety of cultivars including 'Wide Brim,' 'Francee,' 'Regal Splendor,' 'Elegans,' and 'Blue Angel.' That first year they "slept," the second year, they "crept," and now three years later, they're "leaping," filling the space with beautiful, verdant foliage.

Enjoy these photos of their development.