June 10, 2024

Planting Lynwood Gold Forsythia in My Maze

My garden maze now includes a long row of Lynwood Gold Forsythia.

I started this three-acre maze in the spring of 2022, and so far I've completed more than two-thirds of the entire course. I've planted European beech, European hornbeams, boxwood, parrotias, espaliered apple trees, American sweetgums, barberry, London planetrees, privets, camperdown elms, yews, a variety of evergreen shrubs, and now forsythia. The Lynwood Gold Forsythia is fast growing and maintains an upright growth habit with graceful arching branches. This flowering shrub features beautiful bell shaped yellow blooms in spring, alternating green leaves in summer that turn to a dark purple in fall and winter with the return of cold weather.

Enjoy these photos.