July 26, 2024

Pruning the Smoke Bushes in My Allée

In order to keep my Bedford, New York farm and all its gardens, allées, and groves as beautiful as possible, I pay lots of attention to the maintenance and care of all my trees and shrubs.

In 2019, I decided to plant an allée along the carriage road through the lower hayfields. I planted a selection of London plane trees and about 100 royal purple smoke bushes, Cotinus coggygria. Over the years these trees have thrived with the smoke bushes growing about 24 inches each year. This week they were pruned and groomed and they look excellent.

Enjoy these photos.

July 25, 2024

Seeding the Hayfields

Now that the first cut of hay is completed for the season, it's time to reseed the fields in preparation for a second cut later this year.

When I moved to this farm, I designated three separate areas as hayfields and planted them with a mixture of timothy, orchard grass, Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, and clover - all great for producing quality hay for my horses. Earlier this week, ahead of some expected rain, all these areas were aerated and over-seeded by my outdoor grounds crew foreman, Chhiring Sherpa, using good quality, high grade seed mixes.

Enjoy these photos.

July 24, 2024

Peach Cobbler Made with Fruits from My Orchard

No plants give sweeter returns than fruit trees.

Fresh fruit is one of nature's most delicious products. My large orchard here at my farm has more than 200 fruit trees. I grow peaches, apples, pears, cherries, quinces, medlars, etc. Most of the fruits are not ready to pick, but many of the peaches are ripe and sweet. After harvesting several trays this week, I decided to make peach cobbler - one of those delicious summertime desserts one waits all year to enjoy. I used a cobbler recipe from my latest book, coming out November 5th, Martha: The Cookbook: 100 Favorite Recipes, with Lessons and Stories from My Kitchen. If you didn't already, click on the highlighted link to pre-order your copy today - it's a must-have!

Here are some photos.