December 13, 2016

Seedling Maintenance in My Vegetable Greenhouse

Fresh, organic produce is flourishing in my vegetable greenhouse.

During this time of year, lots of attention is directed toward my large vegetable greenhouse, where I grow delicious leafy greens, root vegetables and herbs through the winter season. I love sharing my vegetables with my family and friends, but I also use them for my daily green juice.

All my vegetables are started from seed - some in trays in my main greenhouse, and some directly sown into the nutrient-rich soil in this temperature controlled structure. Starting from seed is not difficult to do, but it does require careful observation and patience. And, once the seedlings start to develop, it’s important to keep up with maintenance care - thin out seedlings that are weak, and prick out those that are growing too big or growing out of line.

Here are some tips on our seed thinning process. Enjoy these photos.