Packing My Bags For Stockholm
As you know, I travel quite a bit and I thought it would be fun for you to see some of my routine preparation and packing. By the time you read this, I will be in Stockholm, Sweden. The purpose of the journey is to attend the annual Bonnier GRID media conference. GRID was launched in 2008, bringing together 250 exciting and passionate people from Bonnier companies around the globe for a two-day summit of idea-sharing. This year, I was asked to be one of the speakers, an exciting list that includes media entrepreneurs, best-selling writers, professors, political hot shots, scientists, humanitarians, artists, musicians, and a magician. The theme this year is “It’s All About Passion,” a subject very dear to me. Other speakers include wildly successful Eat Pray Love author Elizabeth Gilbert and Alec Ross, Senior Advisor on Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I hope to share a bit of Sweden with you soon.
- I woke up to this favorable article in the New York Post. The day was off to a good start.
- To prevent wrinkling, I like to pack my clothing in dry-cleaner bags.
- My memo to the Bedford staff for while I am away
- Before leaving, I wanted to check everyone’s vacation schedules.
- A bit of reading for the plane
- I like to familiarize myself with popular foreign publications before traveling.
- Using the Kindle app for my iPad – I’m reading Wolf Hall, a fictionalized biography concerning the rapid rise to power of Thomas Cromwell, 1st Earl of Essex in the court of Henry VIII of England.
- Don’t for get to pack the foreign adapters!
- My Canon G11 camera – I wouldn’t leave home without it!
- I always pack Korean Ginseng Tea – I feel it’s beneficial for increasing energy and boosting the immune system.
- Sharkey was sad to see me packing for another trip.
- And so was Francesca.
- Shaun, my gardener, came to the kitchen where I gave specific instructions for him and the ground’s crew.
- I also met with Maureen, my business manager, and went over some finances.
- While I was busy packing, Guy Hodges, the bee keeper arrived to brief me on the hives. He brought two supers from the hives.
- Lifting out a frame, it seems that the bees have made a very light color honey this year.
- Whatever those bees concocted is delicious! This honey will be extracted.
- Eliad has packed all of my electronics in plastic bags. It helps to keep them organized and avoids cord tangles. It also keeps them safe from potential liquid spills.
- One of these computers is set up for a my presentation in Sweden. The other is my personal travel laptop.
- I wanted to see Flawless, Transiberian, The Boys are Back – and then I clicked on Coco before Chanel.
- Eliad also helped me by downloading some movies for the plane ride.
- My large suitcase all neatly packed and ready to go
- I also take and use a Pilates ring and a yoga strap for stretching.
- Toiletries and cosmetics are packed in plastic bags and go into the checked luggage.
- This is my new favorite body cleanser from Mario Badescu. My skin has gotten so smooth from using it.
- My cheerful driver, Andres, helps load up the car.
- He makes certain that all of my newspapers are present.
- My cars are equipped with reading lights for nighttime driving.
- We always have a supply of water and soft, absorbent towels.
- There is also a pillow and blanket.
- I love having a Garmin GPS in all of my vehicles. My drivers claim they don’t need it, but you know how men never like to stop and ask for directions!
- I really don’t like leaving my animals, but I gave Sharkey a sweet goodbye.
- And Francesca, too.
- I chose my traveling outfit carefully. It’s comfortable and doesn’t wrinkle.
- Ta-da!
- Down the steps
- The car is packed and I have a sweet and crisp apple off of the tree.