Best of the Blog: A Festive Party at My House
Merry Christmas! Here's another wonderful holiday party from the past. This one originally ran on Dec. 23, 2010.
This past Saturday, I hosted a holiday party at my home in Bedford and invited family, friends, and neighbors. I know how busy everyone is at this time of year, but I really wanted to see as many people as possible. Therefore, I decided that the gathering would occur from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m., a time span that might be accommodating for most of those invited. I’m happy to say that it was a very good idea, as guests arrived promptly at 3 p.m. with others streaming in a bit later. Several people lingered until 8 p.m. and ate just about every delicious morsel that Chef Pierre created. If you’re wondering why photos of the food and décor are missing from this blog, it’s because I’ll be using them for a magazine story next year. Be patient!
- Princess Peony spied upon the party.
- Francesca watched as more guests arrived.
- Nephew Charlie, Barrett, and nephew Kirk
- The guests were thrilled with the food, which made Sarah and Pierre so happy!
- Brother-in-law, Randy and brother, George
- The canaries sang along with the Christmas carols.
- My sister, Laura and sister-in-law, Rita
- Kirk and Kristina
- Carolers greeted my guests.
- Gyurme and Dominic – grounds crew – warmed their hands at the fire pit, which was moved to this location for the party.
- The weather was cold, but clear, with a waxing moon rising.
- Pierre and Sarah preparing delicious and festive food
- Brendan and Francesca really hit it off.
- MTV’s Brendan Kennedy, his guest, MTV’s Jim Cantiello and his wife, Jessica
- Nieces, Sophie and Kristina, and her boyfriend Barrett
- Sharing an amusing moment with my great friend, Muffin
- Very lovely children
- Harvey Sloan, me, and Kathy Sloan – my good friends
- Here I am with Russell Hernandez and Richard Gere – they are partners in the lovely Bedford Post Inn.
- My niece Sophie, Richard who?, and me – Richard is a neighbor, but it was his first time visiting my home.