May 14, 2022

My Sunken Summer House Garden in Spring

Did you see my Instagram page @MarthaStewart48? The sunken garden behind my Summer House is filled with spring growth.

I began this formal garden more than 10 years ago and have added many different kinds of plants and trees ever since. It is a kind of room walled by a tall hedge of boxwood. The focal point is the great old ginkgo tree at the back of the space that was original to the property. Here, I've planted both American and English boxwood, smaller ginkgo trees, smoke bushes, Siberian weeping pea shrubs, peonies, hostas, lilies, Leucojum vernum or spring snowflakes, Heuchera, and so much more. I am so pleased with how well it has grown.

Here are some photos of this beautiful garden taken this week, enjoy.