March 7, 2024

Cleaning My Equipment Barn

Here at my Bedford, New York farm, even rainy days can be extremely productive.

Whenever it's stormy outside and my gardeners and outdoor grounds crew are unable to work in the woods or gardens, I encourage them to take stock of the equipment, clean everything, and then organize all the tools and supplies. My Equipment Barn is about 40 by 120 feet, with a substantial amount of height. It is where we keep our mowers, blowers, tractors, tools, and other pieces of important machinery. Over the last two rainy days, my crew cleared the entire space, power washed the floors, and then inspected and organized every item before returning it neatly to its place, so everything is in good order and ready to use. Keeping things well maintained and properly stored will always save time in the long run.

Enjoy these photos.