November 11, 2023

Mid-November in My Japanese Maple Grove

This time of year, my grove of Japanese maple trees is aglow with autumn color - bright yellows, oranges, and reds.

Many of my Japanese maples are varieties of Acer palmatum - trees that have been cultivated in Japanese gardens for centuries. Over the last several years, I’ve planted many of these trees in one section of a shade garden not far from my chicken coops and tropical hoop houses. They were planted in honor of my late sister, Laura Plimpton, who adored Japanese maples. I always look forward to their gorgeous display every fall. These specimens provide countless variations in size, leaf shape, and color, creating a landscape of beauty and texture that gets better and better every year.

Enjoy these photos. And on this Veterans Day, we honor all the men and women military veterans of the United States Armed Forces who have served and sacrificed to defend our country. Thank you.