February 5, 2024

A Visit to Logee’s Tropical Container Plants for Home and Garden

If you're ever in Northeastern Connecticut, stop and visit Logee’s Tropical Container Plants for Home and Garden where you can choose from hundreds of varieties of plants, most of which are all propagated right there.

Last week I shared photos of items I brought home from a recent trip to Logee's - Anthuriums, two Staghorn ferns, a hanging citrus, and Begonias. William Logee started the business in 1892 as a cut-flower shop and then expanded it to include many tropical container plants. It is now very well known for its inventory of fruiting, rare, and tropical plants, and its hybridizing achievements in the world of Begonias. During my visit, I took some photos inside the greenhouses, and at the end its current owners, Williams’s grandson, Byron Martin, and his business partner, Laurelynn Martin, gifted me with a box of citrus fruits - beautiful grapefruits, lemons, oranges, tangerines, and an assortment of kumquats. I am so excited to try every one.

Here are some photos, enjoy.